" Nevelrands: I Heart Snowboarding 2007

Monday, March 05, 2007

I Heart Snowboarding 2007

I cant fathom wots all the hype abt New York City, to me its juz another very cosmo city. Anyway i did enjoyed my trip but juz tat most of the time i spent on the mountains. Ha

Feb 15th

Applebees' Cs' Grill & Bar

Starters SamplersRib & Steak
Good old american food! The bud lite is going for one for one and its abt a buck or 2 each. Heaven!

Dan Ling Aka Ah Zhi
My tour guide, chauffeur, bell boy, chamber maid & of coz my best buddy since Sec 2!

Jul & Miyagi
It comes with an Interactive DVD, a must buy for all the horny boys out there if ya stop by Narita! bleh...

Feb 16

Home alone still suffering from 25 hours flight and waiting for Ah zhi to pick me for ski wear and board shopping!

Joes' Shanghai
Dinners in Manhattan Chinatown @ Joes' Shanghai which was highly recommended by Min before i head over NYC. I can juz say i taste much better xiao long bao and the servings can feed an army.

Tingyi & Jul
Outside the restaurant on a cold windy chilly nite before we head over to have bubble tea.

In the bubble tea place and its here that they found out i got a thing for Ah lians.

Feb 17

I was so hype abt my 1st snowboarding trip on the way there juz like a small kid that i juz realise i didn't take any photos on the day! Oki i was a bit loser after the trip coz i juz told ah zhi tat i couldn't take the cold and feel damn tired and sleepy. I juz knock off from there till we reach his apartment. He got 2 words for me, "BUA KAN". Tmd.

Feb 18

Its all abt the "sei".

Who got more "sei" ? Jul or Dan ?

Osama bin Julian.


Its snowed at hunter and its the 1st time i see snow and its the only time that snowed during the trip. Its a child hood fantasy that i hope to see snow with someone close to my heart but each time its with ah zhi. tmd. Coz that time in Bali we saw one of the best sun set beach while we were horse riding.

These 2 pics will tell who got more Sei!

Cool leh. My K2 Board, ride binding, burton boots and bottom and Nike top but i prefer the burton top which i got it the next weekend.

Feb 19 - President Day

Ground Zero
Its President day and Dan is kind and free enough to show me around in Manhattan. Its a been there done that day. @ Ground zero and I actually teared when looking at all the pictures.

Art for heart - @ WTC sub way

The infamous bull at Wall Street.

In Battery Park, can you see the Statue of Liberty behind me? Ha... am too scrooge to spend 10 bucks to take the ferry to the isle.

A for abercombie, B for battery park, C for close eyes , D for Dan

Next stop to Central Park Metropolitan Museum!

La Berceuse (woman rocking a cradle)
By Vincent Van Gogh - one of the five versions of this portrait of the wife of his best friend in Arles .

The Actor
By Pablo Picasso

Nude in armchair
By Pablo Picasso. Chris Ang , more sexy than Miyagi rite? can see her nice voluptuous B**bs. wanna borrow this ? ha...

I love this piece best by Marc Chagall. Feel so love by juz looking at it!

Midas touch? or, orrrhhh ya die liao ???

Perseus with the head of medusa and behind Dan with a paper bag.

New Jersey
View of Manhattan from New Jersey, NJ got a great huge Jap store and the ramen there taste real authentic juz like in Tokyo! Best of all NJ is tax free for clothes!

Feb 20th

42nd st

Feb 22th

Princeton moi name.

Century 21
Ya will find very good bargain branded goods in here. Better bargains than the outlet malls but ya really gonna dig into it to find.

USD$3.50 per pint
Black & Tan rawks! I gonna write to them and ask them to bring this flavour to SG!

Dan @ his work desk in his apartment

Dans' fridge
Ah zhi so nice, fill up his fridge before i head back to SG. wot a buddy!

Feb 23th

I love road trips, i will juz fiddle with the ipod select tunes which we can sing or shout out loud to, find nostalgic tunes to talk abt, some songs will juz remind ya of diff stages and gals of the life. The silent moments which i will reflect back on my life. The stop over on mackers for honey mustard chicken wraps.

A simple house with a simple life. I wish.

I love the view from the top of windham, very breathtaking.

Dan in 'cooler' moments

Haiz, wish ya were here.

32b, 34 c, 36D, 36F

Went to three different outlet mall and the greatest haul was from this outlet at NJ.

On the way back on one of the many bridges linking to Manhattan.

Feb 24th

Back at Camelbak for the last runs of the season and this is where the only encounter I had with an asian opposite gender for the whole of the trip. Its juz only me and her up the ski lift and i broke the ice by asking where she is from. Shes says she's local but resides in Shanghai most of the time and then i start to converse with her in mandarin. She speaks perfect mandarin and she ask which slope will i go , told her tat i am trying out the terrain. She says she heading there too. Cool. We got off the lift and went our separates ways. While queuing up for the lift again after the run, I bump into her again and she says she saw me crashing while attempting the 2nd slope. I tried to impress her by telling her its my only couple of times riding and that i came from sg where there is no snow. But she seems nonchanlant abt it. We were in the same lift again and we chat more this time. The best thing is tat i didnt get her name throughout and her age but i reckon she is 24 years my junior! ha.... regret not taking any pics with her. btw she real cute for her age.

Till the next season, see ya!
Feb 25th
Got an early flight to catch back home and we barely catch a wink before Ah Zhi send me to JFK. Thanks ya Dan for the hospitablity and everything for making this a nice trip for me.

On the way back enroute at Land of rising sun. Cant wait to get back to work and the regular sat beach-volley gang.


Blogger carr said...

i see you ve a new porn collection. when?

9:08 PM  
Blogger peters pans said...

wait till ya see my art collection coming up!

8:59 AM  
Blogger carr said...

art collection? considering ur room so messy, i got to believe ya. a messy person is usually more artistic. lol!
look like you had great fun in nyc. tmd, never jio me also. else i'd be there kicking ur ass at the mountain. surely more "say" than you.

11:59 PM  

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